What's the use of learning Dutch?
My best wishes for you in 2018! More important is: what do you wish for yourself in 2018?Getting more involved in Dutch society? Or to find work in Rotterdam? Or to understand the jokes of your colleagues? Talk to the teacher at your child's school?
I gladly share the answer of one of my students why he thought it was important to learn Dutch. He said: “learning Dutch is giving me a Dutch voice! A voice to be heard, a voice to get more involved, a voice to communicate, it gives me a voice that matters, it feels like it gives me a new identity”.
Wauw, I am so grateful with this. He really opened my eyes. Teaching Dutch is not about learning vocabulary, pronouncing or explaining grammar. It is about giving you a ‘Dutch voice’!
• So what do you want in 2018?
• How do you want 2018 to be different from 2017?
• What are you willing to do or leave for that?
Over the last four years I have helped many students to learn Dutch in an easy way. We focus on speaking and understanding without using books or making endless grammar exercises. Do you take the challenge to get a Dutch voice?
Let’s start next week! We have an intensive course of 6 weeks and evening courses Beginners 1,2,3 and intermediate.Tweet